Finding Clarity within oneself

A workshop for everyone
What is going on in the world? What is happening behind the scenes?
Let’s have a look! and set up the theatre of life together.
We will be hosting a Summer weekend Systemic Constellations Immersion in the beautiful Austrian countryside.
The days will flow lightly and deeply from one constellation to another, creating the space to explore issues and questions that affect us all.
In this everybody constellation workshop, you will:
- Release stuck stagnancy in your body
- Experience “aha!” moments, lightness and expansion
- See your inner and outer world through a completely new lens
- Pinpoint what prevents you from changing behavioural patterns
- Take away workable, feasible solutions for a more harmonious life.
Alongside the constellations there will also be friendship, laughter, conversation, food, walks, nature and somatic practices to resource, restore and nourish us all throughout the days.
Constellation work helps you let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. It brings lightness, clarity and expansion into life’s sticky topics through facilitated bodywork.
And you may understand how the big themes of life are connected with your own experience.
Meet your facilitators:
Rainer von Leoprechting has led constellation workshops since the early 2000s and trains facilitators and consultants in this art since 2012. He has learned from or and practiced with Johannes B. Schmidt, Claude Rosselet, Albrecht Mahr, Bert Hellinger and many other leading systemic facilitators. Rainer has developed his own style from many influences, with a focus on “what is” in the system. Topics can range from the very personal, family issues, professional and organisational dynamics, political and historical situations or money systems. He is member of ISCA.
Carina Rohrbach ist Wissens- und Innovationsarchitektin bei theLivingCore GmbH ( und spezialisiert auf die Gestaltung und Umsetzung komplexer Innovations- und Transformationsprozesse. Sie arbeitet mit (inter)nationalen Organisationen verschiedener Branchen. Im Rahmen ihres Cognitive Science Studiums hat sie sich intensiv mit der Frage beschäftigt “wie das Neue in die Welt kommt und erfahr- und kommunizierbar gemacht werden kann”. Das war auch Ausgangspunkt ihrer Ausbildung bei Rainer im systemischen Aufstellen. Seither integriert sie Aufstellungen erfolgreich in ihrer Arbeit, vor allem auf höherer Managementebene.
Fees: To make this as accessible as possible, there are many ways to participate:
- Half day participation*: €35
- Full participation (both Saturday and Sunday): €50
Personal constellation: + € 40
To guarantee a personal constellation, add € 40 to your current choice of participation.
*Spontaneity is valuable, so if at 12:30 you’d like to continue for the rest of the day, or book a second personal constellation, we’ll send you an invoice afterwards. No pressure.
Properly fueled
Enjoy our community meals. Please count with a contribution of 10 € per meal, or book full board with your stay.
Stay at the location
You can stay in Obenaus for 50 € full board in a single room. You can also camp on the green grass with 30€ full board. Please let us know your wish to come as a residential participant so we can plan your stay.
Come as you are
Constellation work breathes fresh air into relationships, home and work environments, your life path and beyond. We encourage you to arrive with all your parts – if you’re unsatisfied, stuck, inspired, frustrated, open, anxious or are just interested, you belong here. Whether you participate in a half day or the whole weekend, you’re likely to leave feeling brighter and lighter, with more solutions to work with.
A new you
Process your constellation by doing… nothing! We recommend prioritizing rest to allow the constellation to integrate – now is not the time to make snap decisions.
Looking ahead
These workshop days qualify towards the 20-day constellation facilitator training. Training participants receive further instruction and personal feedback, and co-facilitate constellations during the workshop. For pricing and more information, send an email to Rainer at
Von: Obenaus Community
Event Schedule Details
- 6 August, 2022 14:30 - 7 August, 2022 13:00