The Art of Hosting meaningful conversations

Art of Hosting training
at the Retzhof, Wagna. Südsteiermark
Participatory leadership in business, politics and society
We live a fast changing time. Complex questions like the Covid pandemic or the consequences of climate change show us, how our traditional methods and principles are not serving us to face the challenges of today.
Art of Hosting, the art of participatory leadership offers tools and methods for dealing with our time. They support change in organisations, New Work and Self management. Art of Hosting engages and integrates the contributions from all participants. It’s a cornerstone for effective working and navigating complexity.
It takes a fresh view on leadership and collaboration.
We explore the following questions:
- How can we work together in organisations where we can show up as whole people and serve a strong sense of purpose together?
- How can this work be organised by the participants themselves?
- How can we effectively establish participatory leadership in such an environment?
- What does it mean to build hosting principles into the DNA of an organisation and into how we work together?
- What do our meetings look like then?
- How does the Four-fold Practice, the fundamental practice of Art of Hosting, unfold in such an environment?
- How can we take the practice of AoH to the next and at the same time pragmatic level, making it an even more effective tool for the issues of this time?
Online preparation call on 14 October 20:00-21:00
More questions will emerge along the way in the group. You are invited to contribute and make the training yours. Allow yourself to this opportunity and join us in this call!
Salon evening with a pro action café
During the training we organise an open Salon evening with a pro action café.
Join in the evening of 10 November from 19:00 onwards.
Around dinner with engaged co participants, explore projects and questions with relevance for you well hosted and with elegant steps as a takeaway. For training participants the evening is part of the training.
If you attend the café only, please register the pro action café ticket for 20.00 €.
The training itself
At the training itself we will dive deeper into the questions, we will host and learn by trying and experiencing: The principles that underpin Art of Hosting Hosting, the basic methods of Circle, World Café, Open Space and pro action café as well as other approaches that emerge from the flow of the work and the group. Immediate experimentation in an international environment and embedded in the beautiful landscape of Southern Styria.
Who should take part in this training?
Here you’re at the right place if…
you know that there are ways of working beyond current norms and you want to deepen your practice and introduce or expand new approaches in your work and your organisation or surroundings.
You are most welcome if you…
- hold a leadership role and look for participatory approaches
- work in a company of any size, be it a corporate or a one person start-up, public sector or NGO, in which context you want to influence developments and change
- are a consultant or coach and want to widen your set of practices and interventions so you can serve your clients to deal better with the challenges of our times.
Where and who?
The training takes place in the charming landscape of South Styria, Austria. It is led by an international team. Languages used are German and English. Translations are provided as needed.
kaa Faensen
kaa studied linguistics and social therapy and is certified in integrative coaching and meta-consulting. She has lead different social institutions before she became an expert in the field of participatory leadership consulting. Her focus is on enabling the perception of the complexity of what is actually going on and from there find developmental pathways to embark on collaboratively. She is visual facilitator and hosts events and leadership retreats.
Dr. Ilse Pogatschnigg
Ilse is a consultant, coach, lawyer, mediator and author. She hosts change and participatory processes on national and international level and has been part of training teams in Austria and Belgium. She is particularly interested in the deeper patterns and the easy applicability of the Art of Hosting that she put together in her book “The Art of Hosting. Wie gute Gespräche Führung und Zusammenarbeit verbessern“. She holds a Ph.D. in law and master degrees in European Integration as well as Mediation.
Rainer von Leoprechting
Rainer is a leadership consultant by heart and soul and gets right into what immediately brings teams and organisations forward. He holds degrees in banking and economy and built the in-house consulting service in the European Commission, where he introduced a range of self-management, peer-learning and participatory leadership practices like the Art of Hosting. He lives the regenerative life in the Obenaus Community he founded in Ehrenhausen, Styria, Austria.
Hendrik Berberich (Apprentice)
Process consultant and Associate Partner of Fraendi, hosts personal development events with Inner World Tribe he co-founded. Many years of experience as a trainer and facilitator of students’ organizations. Since 2019 he offers coaching and trainings with his own company.

Von: Obenaus Community
Event Schedule Details
- 8 November, 2021 17:00 - 11 November, 2021 16:00